State of the Show 2022

Happy New Year!

Here are some quick updates on what we have planned for the show so you know what to expect from us in 2023.

But first - from all of us - THANK YOU for supporting our channel with your time!

We’ll be changing things to allow us to create more content on tools and strategies to improve your games. We’ll also keep up on relevant #DnDnews, including #onednd, and explore other areas of interest, like our favorite shows and movies, video games, VR, and other related hobbies.

If you're into content creation or want to get into it, we’ll also be sharing creation tips to help you with your channel. Will also be shifting how we handle our #actualplay campaigns.

While we love to play and share our games, the reality is they take a long time to edit and keep us from putting out more content in other areas.

We will continue to put roleplaying, storytelling, and worldbuilding as the focus of our games. We'll play less frequently, but for longer sessions, we’ll break up into smaller episodes over an adventure.

We hope this shift will allow for more opportunities to role-play and explore the world of Eoa and our spelljammer campaign with Loki that will be coming out soon.

So, if you continue following our games - know from here on out that it will be just like if you're at the table with us and ask for your grace for the raw format.

If you're listening to the podcast or audio version of the show, head over to or our YouTube channel @plusonetogaming to check out this content with video.

If you’ve been following us for a while, we’d love to know what you want to hear more about. Send us a note at or take our one-question content survey.

If you haven’t already, please subscribe, and thank you for supporting our project with your time!

Listen to the +1tG Podcast here, RSS, YouTube, Spotify, Apple, or Google Podcasts.

Subscribe for new episodes, roleplaying, and DM tips.


Tales of Eoa, A Miner Issue - Session VIII


Tales of Eoa, A Miner Issue - Session VII