How to Get Better at D&D

Every player wonders at some point in their journey how to get better at D&D. What ‘better’ means is different for everyone so in this episode, we discuss the approaches we’ve taken to develop as players and DMs over the years.

Why Are You Playing D&D?

Tabletop roleplaying games are a unique form of play. What’s pulled you into this world, specifically? Are you interested in creating epic moments with your friends? Tactical combat? Or something else entirely? 

Whatever hooks you, recognizing it helps you focus more on the things you like and less on the things you don’t. It also helps you identify broader themes you can apply to your games to maximize your enjoyment, which is important when you don’t have a lot of time to play, like us. 

D&D pulled me because I love using my imagination to tell stories. A framework to tell fantastic stories with my friends was a Siren’s call I could not resist. My priorities have always been around group collaboration, roleplaying, and storytelling, so as a player and DM, I’ve focused my efforts on growing in those areas through experimentation and intentional play.

Be Curious & Intentional

Once you’ve honed in on why you want to play, what brings you joy, what are the different ways you can manifest it in your play? Spend some time thinking or brainstorming different ways to express those bigger themes with your character and the party, or as a DM if that’s your jam. 

Honing in on roleplaying, one way I’ve been developing is creating characters with broader bonds, flaws, and ideals that push and pull the character instead of controlling them like an avatar in a video game.

Put It To Action

Discovering new elements and bringing them into your games is an ongoing process and the best way to rapidly improve as a player or DM. Write what you’re focusing on down on your character sheet and share it with your table. You might inspire them to focus on areas they want to grow, and growing together as players is what makes this game truly magical.

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